Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quote Analysis

"The point is, that every piece of art changes your whole perception of the rest of the world for the rest of your life. 
And it's not a joke! And if it doesn't, then it's not art, it's a commodity."
Every piece of art is made with intention.  There is a thought process and inspiration for each piece that it thought out thoroughly.  Weather the intention of the artwork is carried through into someone's view on the work or not, there is going to be a reaction by viewing it.  By reacting to the art it may be in ways that aren't as obvious as the work "changing your life". Thats the thing about art like everything else in the world, people have different perspectives on it.  Weather its life changing or not people are going to have a opinion on it.  The work is there its in front of you and your going to think about it.  As human beings its inevitable your going to have a thought on this work, the artist made it, and is showing it for a reason.  We have to perceive that in our own way. Regarding if art has to " change your whole perception of the rest of the world for the rest of your life." may not necessarily be true, to that extent.  I believe that if art is even just referred back to at one point in someone's life it can still be called a "real work of art". If someone is inspired by the piece that can be considered life changing.   These affects they have on us may only last a minute, a day, the rest of our life or it may re-present itself in time that will affect us then.  However , the point is that art is going to effect the viewer in some way weather its good or bad.  There is going to be a reason for what you feel when you look at the piece and why you are feeling this way about it.  Because there is reasoning behind the piece for making it.  The artist made this piece to say something and even if the reason wasn't strong or present itself right away its there behind the piece and there is always going to be something to think about when reviewing it.  That could be another opinion too.  Weather or not  a piece of art is interesting enough to look at and study.  is that what they say when they begin talking about if something is "not art".  What I get out of that is that if the art work does not speak for itself, if it is just "there" in a sense.  Do they consider this "just a commodity"?  Or if the artwork is not exciting, or different, or if it has been done before, is it then, "just a commodity".  There are mixed feelings regarding this situation.   In many cases art is subjective, sometimes that can be the deciding point weather or not people believe the work is a commodity.  When art is created it some people may not "get it" or appreciate the work as someone else may get a lot more out or it and a lot more appreciation for it.  Thats why I feel like the whole situation is personal beliefs. There could be a style of art that may not change someone's perception for the rest of their life because they do not appreciate the style of the work. However, I do not think that should make it automatically considered a commodity.   Regarding the quote by Lawrence Weiner, I believe it to be true to a certain point.  Most of the quote I feel is personal and some ones own opinions should decide how they feel about it. Like many other things in life Art is something each person will have an opinion about.  Someone who may describe something as "a commodity" may be something totally different on someone else's opinion on that piece. "art should change you whole perception on the rest of the world " could be a little over dramatic.  That personally if art inspires you rather, that is life changing in my eyes but not quite as large of a scale as they make it seem.   In the end I feel as though anything with intention can be art.  When there is meaning for making the piece or showing the piece the artist has a purpose for it and weather people see the ideas behind it or not it is worthy of being called art.  In the end not everyone in the world is going to agree on something, we all have different opinions.  So if someone finds something to be a commodity and not have an effect on the world they do not have the right to categorize it as not being art.   

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Relationship.  The movie persona plays with this concept in multiple different ways.  The relationship between the characters, between personalities, oneself,  darks and lights, close-ups etc.  We learn that Elizabet Volger has a mysterious occurrence where she began to laugh in the middle of her stage performance of one of her plays. However, we are left wondering why.  We are later informed that she has been a patient of a particular hospital for years, without moving or speaking.  However, she seems to be completely healthy, medically.  The movie shows the relationship between two girls, Elizabet and Sister Alma grow from a feeling of uncomfortblity to basically being the same person.  

Regarding relation ships, we are un-informed in the beginning of the movie why Elizabet begins laughing in the middle of the play.  This begins one to consider  with what is actually wrong with Elizabet, and if this has to signify anything.  This goes back to the idea of relationship with oneself.  I believe that it is her laughing at the idea of all the roles she has played.   The surreal feeling as though she has never actually playing one but rather many roles.  That her life is a constant strand of different roles she has plays and she begins to laugh at life.   While Alma although not quite as obvious as elizabet, shows struggle between herself as-well.  Although she seems more put together, she is marrying someone , she feels she does not love, and she makes a remark about how nobody seems to listen to her, that rather she listens to everybody else.  Although she does not  seem to understand why people think this about her.  She begins ranting to elizabet all things that seem to be bothering her, things she has been unhappy with or things that she simple has never told anyone before.  

Alma begins going off and telling Elizabet all about her life and these stories that provoke all different feelings toward her, while elizabet simply listens.  This goes back now to the relationship between us and the two women in the film.  We get to learn Alma and what has mad up who she is, she tells the viewer her life stories and we get to become a part of her and know so much about her.  While Elizabet, continues to remain a mystery to us.  All we see of elizabet is her sharp expression, mostly in her eyes.  Although we can study her from the outside, unlike Alma , we have to make assumptions and put pieces together to get an idea about what makes up her.  

Because we are constantly wanting to learn more about these women and what makes up them , we struggle but that is the reasoning behind the thoughtful decision of camera placement.  The relationship between close-ups, the reasoning seems to be that the director wants us to look at these women get close up idea to get to read them and their expressions as if they were right in front of us in person.  this shows the strong artistry in the directors choice of making the movie.  he has, in addition to the close-ups of the faces, made this movie with particularly long clips.  In our current movies we are used to the scenes constantly switching before us.  However, in this movie t is particularly easy to see how the scenes are much longer because of the close up views in particular.  The actress was there the whole time there were no cuts between the scene for a good amount of time.  This makes the viewer intrigued, to 
listen to what that she has to say as though she is speaking particularly to them.  

We learn that Elizabet not talking, was her choice.  Although Alma seems to be enjoying having someone to listen to her, the quiet ends up making her go insane. But as time goes on even though we see anna going insane slowly, we also se her evolving for the person we originally knew her as.  She begins to resemble elizabet more and more as the movie goes on.  At one point she makes a comment about  how she is dressing with the glasses and smoking.  Thats not her.  She begins to play this role that Elizabet has created.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Whats your view?..

            According to dictionary.com the definition of the term moire is, presenting a watery or wavelike appearance.  In the blog written by Geeta Dayal regarding Carsten Nicolis work from the Pace Gallery in New York,  many of the pieces in this gallery are described to present a very strong moire effect.  He continues to describe the work as being mathematical, the line work and how they overlap one another, it is these particular qualities of the art that allow his work to appear to grasp the moire effect very well. 
With the exploration in different materials from his study of lines to his use of light and other materials it seems to be that he has got the effect down well.   When observing these pieces of art one can see the intention put into it .  There was great thought in putting together this atmosphere and effect on the person looking at the show.  Which is how art should be viewed people have been feeling all different opinions on art and with Nucleus experimenting and plain around with his mathematical feel, he can set off a new scene within his art.
          It comes off very interesting  the way the author begins comparing Nicolis's musical knowledge as well regarding his visual pieces.  He continue to talk about the musical understanding and how this adds to the success of Nicolis's moire effects. As one reads on further in the blog it is taught how musical used to be used to describe a moire pattern as well and the effects of this knowledge has on ones artwork.  Although Nicolis's main focus is not regarding music and there is " no music to be heard here" , according to Dayal , one can still hear the music presenting in the pieces of artwork.  How the lines move and the visual harmony between it all.  
          It is a good idea to consider all the other knowledge an artist has to have tin order to make things work, in a way.  There is a lot more that some people do not consider.  Looking at this artist seems to brig up the fast that there are many ways things like music, and line and math can play a roll in art. One can use their other talents to make there art stand out to be there own personal style.  To make the work unique to that grouping of interests.  Its interesting how that is brought up through the piece.  All these diffrent factors that play a role are defiantly brought up to the readers attention.  Its something  good to consider taking into when viewing the pieces how they connect.
It is important to be able to notice all of these aspects of artwork.  By discussing them people become more aware of all the things that come into play in addition to the obvious visual aspects of the artwork. The author of this article describes the artwork in a distinct way that you can almost feel like your there in a way, allowing to get the idea of what the gallery was like to actually be there.  Becoming aware of the different aspects of the art makes one look at the piece in a whole new perspective.  Its true that not only do the mathematical approach to Nicolis's work make it interesting, of coarse.  But also it creates another illusion one that creates a movement that the observer can get caught up in.  By reading this different illusion, one becomes more aware of the effect art has on people, how there are uncountable methods to created art, and the effects it have on people are all different as well.  One can use many different techniques when creating, to have these certain effects on people.

3ft x 3ft drawing with wide tonal range..

Torso.. one line contour!

One line contour..

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My First Memory...

What will it be today?:
-A forest?
-A classroom?
-A library?
-A doctors office?
-A house?
-A horses stable...
Four white walls and a green rug...sounds simple right? Not for my sisters and I, this room provided us day in and day out of new stories and adventures.  As my mom dropped us off we would walk in the familiar screen door of my grandmas house. Although this may seem as a routine for us, the story in the green room was diffrent everyday. While this room served many purposes to us, it was also the room where my older sisters and I were brought for the first 2 weeks after we were home from the  hospital  from each one of our births.  Now it was Bridget's turn, my new baby sister. Just as my sisters and I were begining to bring our horses to get cleaned, a giant foot stamped down in frount of me, walking to care for my mom who was sitting in the tan rocking chair at the end of the room.  I look up from my game to see my aunts and uncles crowded around the new baby, asking my mom if she needed food or water.  As I looked at her, something unfamiliar in such a familiar room for us, her tiny feet, delecate hands, everything diffrent.  I broke my stare and looked down at my horse, now... where was I?